It was a red letter day for The Oxford School, Kollam on the 17th of August 2017 as the inauguration of E-learning project EduCore took place. It is a program conceived and initiated based on the demand for a platform that helps collaborate students, teachers, parents, curriculum, content /book publishers to improve the effectiveness of teaching by empowering students and teachers with anytime, anywhere, easy to use tools, monitor and evaluate student progress, teacher performance evaluation both academic and organizational expectations in a futuristic technology platform that can run, survive and expand in the coming years.
In her inaugural address ,Vice Principal Mrs.Mini K Pillai expressed her happiness in introducing EduCore E-learning platform for students. Mr.Niyas, Programme Manager at EduCore explained the inevitable role of E-learning in the sphere of education. Mr. Vinod, the Project Leader manoeuvered the students through the process of using the EduCore E-learning platform.
A demo class of E-learning on the EduCore platform was conducted by Mr. Sameer through the Learning Management System with the students logging on through their tablets. Both children and teachers enjoyed exploring the various contents and activities in the platform. The session awarded the participants with a thrilling experience of the joy of learning. In her vote of thanks address HM Mrs. Sheffeekka Imamudeen thanked the EduCore team for their part in implementing the innovative product. She also expressed her gratitude to the teachers and students for their whole hearted involvement in the project. The project is now being implemented on a pilot test basis for students of classes V to VIII. The introduction of E-learning is expected to provide an extensive suite of solutions to improve learning and teaching experience.