Only dedicated minds can lead a life according to the Holy Quran, and one can easily find such a splendid mind in Dr.M.K.Kamaluddin.
Yes, this magnanimous personality who established his credentials as an N.R.I business stalwart, philanthropist, above all a true Muslim, founded the Manarul Huda Trust, a charitable organization with the sole aim of serving society in the diverse fields ranging from education to health care.
The beliefs, he held in the value of education for all, combined with the numerous achievements in the public life urged him to establish a few educational institutions in UAE. and in India. The humble beginning of New Indian School in Dubai was soon followed by a string of institutions, one excelling the other, all of them distinguished for the excellent results they achieved.
The Trust mainly focuses on the educational arena, as it always believes in a better tomorrow. Trustees have presently 8 schools established in different parts of the UAE. All these schools are well known for excellent discipline and very good results they produce every year including ranks on all Kerala basis. The Trust has established schools in different parts of Kerala. These schools are also known for quality and standard of education. The Trust has under its umbrella, National College of Arts and Science, Trivandrum, National College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, International College of Law and Business Administration (Ajman, UAE), and Al-Arif hospital in Trivandrum.
- Spiritual education
- Responsible citizen
- Global perception
- Altruistic mind
- Community service
Maintaining a focus on values, character, and community
The Oxford School believes that along with developing academically strong students, an important goal of education is to teach children to be socially responsible citizens who would learn from their younger ages how to give of themselves for the greater good.
Towards this end, we aim to meet not only the physical, emotional, and educational needs of children, but their spiritual need as well. Regular Islamic studies for all Muslim students and Moral Science classes for children of all other religions incorporated in the curriculum forms a part of this. Besides these, age-appropriate activities, reading materials, class trips and guest speakers on varied topics of service and civil responsibility are an integral part of a child’s education at The Oxford School. The task of developing good human beings and responsible social citizens requires empathy, deliberative reasoning, and the moral imagination of all members of The Oxford School community.
Here, learning to give of one begins in Kindergarten and continues throughout the entire schooling period as students participate in community service and outreach projects which are integrated into the curriculum, ensuring The Oxford School to create not only academically strong graduates but also those who will become informed, intuitive, and sensitive citizens.

Manarul Huda Trust
Emke Manzil, Kallatumukku,
Manacaud P O Thiruvananthapuram – 695009
Kerala, India
Tel No: 00 – 91 – 471 – 2460095, 2462206
Website: www.mhtrust.com
E-mail:[email protected]