Sl. No Subject Publisher
1. English-Jubilation Corodova Publications, New Delhi
2. Hindi-Ektha NCERT
3. Malayalam-Malayalam Padavali SCERT
4. Maths-Mathematics text book for VI NCERT
5. Social Studies
History-Our Part
Politics-Social and Political Life
Geography-Our Environment
6. General Science Corodova Publications, New Delhi



Sl. No Subject Publisher
1. English-Jubilation Corodova Publications, New Delhi
2. Hindi-Ektha NCERT
3. Malayalam-Malayalam Padavali SCERT
4. Maths-Mathematics text book for VII NCERT
5. Social Studies
History-Our Part
Politics-Social and Political Life
Geography-Our Environment
6. General Science for Class VII Corodova Publications, New Delhi



Sl. No Subject Publisher
1. English-Jubilation Corodova Publications, New Delhi
2. Hindi-Ektha NCERT
3. Malayalam-Malayalam Padavali SCERT
4. Maths-Mathematics text book for VIII NCERT
5. Social Studies
History-Our Part
Politics-Social and Political Life
Geography-Our Environment
6. Science-Science Today Corodova Publications, New Delhi


“There is no objectionable content in the text books followed in classes 6 to 8 that hurts the feelings of any class,. community, gender, religious group in society. If found any book having such content, the school will take the responsibility of such content”


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